Reservation – Check ReservationFields followed by * are mandatoryPlease complete and send your deposit of 400.00$ in check or postal order at the name of Carlos Ruiz at the following address : 933 Gouin East Blvd, Montreal, Qc, H2C 1B2Captain in duty : Carlos Ruiz - | - Cell : 514-946-1886Date of the activity confirmed with Carlos : *01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 / JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember / 20502049204820472046204520442043204220412040203920382037203620352034203320322031203020292028202720262025202420232022202120202019daymonthyearNumber of adults : *select...12345678Childrens under 14 years old :select...123456Reservation made on :01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 / JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember / 202020192018201720162015daymonthyearPrice (based on the rates chart):select...3-4 fishermen/day 1400.00$5 fishermen/day 1750.00$6 fishermen/day 2100.00$7 fishermen/day 2450.00$8 fishermen/day 2800.00$The deposit will be completely refunded if, and only if, the cancellation has been made more than 21 days before the output scheduled date. No refund of the deposit if the cancellation is made less than 21 days before the output scheduled date. In the case of a cancellation by your guide, for weather reasons, the deposit will be transfered on a further output. Valid for a period of 12 months following the output date.In case of a prematured return for weather reasons, the rate will be adjust in consequence.In case of a prematured return for other reasons (sea sickness, etc.) at the client's request, the full rate will apply.Coordinates of the complete groupRepresentative of the groupFull name : *first namelast nameFull Address : *No and streetCityPostal codeHome phone : *-codephone numberMobile phone :-codephone numberE-mail : *Contact in case of emergency : *First nameLast namePhone of the contact : *-codephone numberFamily tie with the contact : *If you or a group member got a particular health condition, Please identify it here :Other group membersFull name :(1)first namelast nameHome phone :(1)-codephone numberMobile phone :(1)-codephone numberE-mail :(1)Full name :(2)first namelast nameHome phone :(2)-codephone numberMobile phone :(2)-codephone numberE-mail :(2)Full name :(3)first namelast nameHome phone :(3)-codephone numberMobile phone :(3)-codephone numberE-mail :(3)Full name :(4)first namelast nameHome phone :(4)-codephone numberMobile phone :(4)-codephone numberE-mail :(4)Full name :(5)first namelast nameHome phone :(5)-codephone numberMobile phone :(5)-codephone numberE-mail :(5)Full name :(6)first namelast nameHome phone :(6)-codephone numberMobile phone :(6)-codephone numberE-mail :(6)Full name :(7)first namelast nameHome phone :(7)-codephone numberMobile phone :(7)-codephone numberE-mail :(7)type_submit_reset_146EnvoyerReset